Problems & Puzzles: Puzzles

Puzzle 1095 RPP(74207281)

On July 13 2022, Andreas Höglund, sent two more results for our Puzzle 859.

As a matter of fact:

a) The Puzzle 859 is the third puzzle about the same issue, being the previous ones the puzzles 203 & 858.

b) The two results sent to my by Andreas, were obtained in 2008, and registered in the following thread:

c) RPP(p)=(2^(p-1))*(2^p-1)+1, that is to say one unit more than the perfect number (2^(p-1))*(2^p-1) where (2^p-1) is the Mersenne prime number associated to the prime number p.

As is widely known, currently, there are only known 51 Mersenne primes.

In June 2002, Labos E found that RPP(p)=(2^(p-1))*(2^p-1)+1 is prime for p=2, 3 , 13 & 19 (7, 29, 33550337, 137438691329, respectively). All the other 47 cases have been found composite except RPP(74207281).

Up today, we don't know if RPP(74207281) it is prime or composite, by a primality test. And nobody has produced a factor for RPP(74207281).

Which means that there is only one hole in the carpet...

This is the complete status from the table published by Andreas Höglund:

p:		factor(s) of 2p-1*(2p-1) + 1
2:		prime
3:		prime
5:		7 , 71			(all factors)
7:		11 , 739		(all factors)
13:		prime
17:		7 , 11 , 111556741	(all factors)
19:		prime
31:		29 , 71 , 137 , 1621 , 5042777503				(all factors)
61:		2432582681 , 1092853292237112554142488617			(all factors)
89:		7 , 132599200423201647070231067 , 206381273143696885332153493	(all factors)
107:		7 , 11^2 , 67 , 231969487719072553476532687103891221170830716283757301763621	(all factors)
127:		11 , 107 , 261697, 70333627629913, 668114163064469436232560061443019245225783435495335057, (all factors)
521:		7 , 71, 1050252439763
607:		11, P365,(all factors)
1279:		72353441721527140856665601867
2203:		60449 , 1498429 , 711309659, 1418050069
2281:		197 , 557 , 1999 , 92033
3217:		11
4253:		7 , 53 , 8731 , 2353129 , 50820071
4423:		2163571
9689:		7 , 211 , 49922567
9941:		7 , 67 , 1605697 , 194147011
11213:		7
19937:		7 , 11 , 1129 , 168457
21701:		7
23209:		35603 , 620377
44497:		11 , 13259 , 16177141 , 896297147
86243:		7 , 29 , 301123 , 26072029
110503:		491 , 1493 , 1529761
132049:		194528547122653
216091:		4673 , 6920341
756839:		7
859433:		7
1257787:	11 , 2582471789
1398269:	7 , 53 , 12713 , 17425081 , 199979189
2976221:	7 , 71
3021377:	7 , 11 , 49603
6972593:	7 , 6007 , 8392897 , 52193821
13466917:	11 , 45007 , 6706083323
20996011:	1552147 , 114242767
24036583:	149
25964951:	7, 45850772753
30402457:	11 , 4654899979
32582657:	7 , 11 , 67 , 34549 , 127541
37156667:	7 , 11 , 44753 , 202577 , 1282451377
42643801:	3593 , 7089208037
43112609:	7 , 211 , 70121 , 71647 , 1846524311
57885161:	7 , 22127627
74207281:	No factor < 2.3*10^13 and not known if it is prime or composite...
77232917:	7 , 11 , 11587
82589933:	7 , 67 , 599 , 7347113 , 14416229

Q. Can you try to prove that RPP(74207281) is prime or composite? If it is composite please send the least prime factor.

During the week 16-22 July, 2022, contributions came from Giorgio Kalogeropoulos.


Giorgio wrote:

I just found some more factors for smaller RPPs in case you want to update the table:

p:                 factor(s) of 2p-1*(2p-1) + 1
2203    ->      1659486433624153
2281    ->      22770375541
4253    ->      7883425250689, 19784944521553
4423    ->      1682337687991
9689    ->      880887102089
23209  ->     1285400531


In Puzzle 859 I wrote:

On January 4, 2023, Martin Hopf wrote:

Q3: Can you try to prove that RPP(74207281) is prime or composite? ...
It is a proven composite!
On December 23rd 2022, a 17-digit factor was found with the elliptic curve method:

Sorry for this last update on this page (Nov 8, 2024

BTW, Officially since Oct 12 2024, the newest and largest Mersenne prime is M(136279841). See

Accordingly RPP(136279841) could be prime or composite. See Puzzle 203.

Applying the Wilke rules, See Puzzle 203, RPP(136279841) is composite divided by 7 because mod(6*136279841-5,7)=0.




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