Problems & Puzzles: Puzzles

Puzzle 1189  All primes less than 2^32 as subsequences...

Suppose you concatenate all the natural integers from 1 to m, orderly: C=1234567891011...m

Q1. What is the less m needed in order to locate inside that concatenation C, all the primes less than 2^32 as subsequences.

Q2. Redo Q1 for all the primes less than 2^64

From Set 14-20, 2024, contributions came from Michael Branicky, Jeff Heleen, Simon Cavegn, Oscar Volpatti.

Note: Michael & Jeff worked out this puzzle following one interpretation; Simon & Oscar followed a second interpretation. I decided to post both contributions due to the coincidences of the results in each kind of interpretation.


Michael wrote:
For Q1, m = 89.
Ten primes < 2^32 require this, including 1000000009.

For Q2, m = 183.
A number of primes < 2^64 require this, including 10000000000766663333 (with 20 digits) and 9987777555555553333 (with 19 digits).

Q1 was found by searching all primes < 2^32.
Q2 was found using A* search, minimizing f(n) = - g(n) - h(n), where
g(n) = {minimum m such that n is a subsequence of C(m)}
h(n) = 10*(maxdigits - #digits(n))
and using maxdigits = 19 and 20, and goal test #digits(n) = maxdigits and isprime(n).
The function h is admissible for A* since each successive digit appears within at most 10 additional numbers.
For 20-digit numbers, only numbers starting with 1 needed to be searched, since 2^64 = 18446744073709551616.

Compare: non-prime 3331111111 < 2^32 requires m = 91 and
non-prime 10000000000999999999 < 2^64 requires m = 189.
Jeff wrote:
For Q1 of puzzle 1189 I believe the smallest m = 90.
Simon wrote:
If I didn't program a major bug: m = 4099999889

Oscar wrote:
I claim that puzzle 1189 has the following solutions:
m = 4099999889 to locate all primes below 2^32;
m = 18446744073709550873 to locate all primes below 2^64.

Let C(x,y) be the concatenation of all natural integers from x to y included.
Any natural integer n can be located inside concatenation C(1,n).
Can n be located inside concatenation C(1,n-1) too?
The following lemma provides a sufficient condition which ensures a negative answer.

Let n be some k-digit natural integer such that:
1) its most significant digit is b, with 1<=b<=8;  
2) each of the remaining k-1 digits is either equal to 0 or greater than b+1.
Let C(x,y) be some concatenation containing n as subsequence. 
Then inequality y >= n holds.

Without loss of generality, assume that the representation of n begins within the representation of x and ends within the representation of y.
Otherwise, drop unused integers making x larger and/or y smaller.
Number y can't be shorter than n itself. 
Assume the contrary: n has k digits, y has less than k digits.
Then concatenation C(x,y) must involve at least two integers.
Let's focus on the first two used numbers: x and x+1.
Number x contains digit b (the most significant digit of n) at some position j.
At the same position j, number x+1 contains digit c, with either c = b or c = b+1 depending on carry.
The distance between b and c is the length of number x+1, which is smaller than k, so digit c should be located inside n too, violating constraint 2:
c=0 or c>b+1.
If y is longer than n, then inequality y>n clearly holds, so assume that y has k digits too.
Its most significant digit d must be located at a non-zero position of n.
If d = b, then y coincides with n itself.
Otherwise inequality d>b+1>b holds, so that inequality y>n holds too.

Starting from upper bound 2^e, I checked all primes p in descending order, until I found some prime q satisfying the given sufficient condition.
Therefore, it must be m >= q.
Choice m = q clearly also works for all primes p with p < q.
For all primes p with q < p < 2^e, I was able to locate p inside a suitable concatenation C(y-1,y) with y < m, showing that choice m = q works for them too.

Case e = 32.
2^32 = 4294967296;
p = 42zzzzzzzz, y = 2zzzzzzzz5;
p = 41zzzzzzzz, y = 1zzzzzzzz5;
p = 4099999993, y = 3410000000;
p = 4099999963, y = 3409999997;
p = 4099999951, y = 1409999996;
p = 4099999931, y = 1409999994;
p = 4099999901, y = 1409999991;
q = 4099999889, m = q.

Case e=64.
2^64 = 18446744073709551616;
p = 18446744073709551557, 
y = 15571844674407370956;
p = 18446744073709551533, 
y = 15331844674407370956;
p = 18446744073709551521,
y = 1521844674407370956;
p = 18446744073709551437, 
y = 14371844674407370956;
p = 18446744073709551427, 
y = 14271844674407370956;
p = 18446744073709551359, 
y = 13591844674407370956;
p = 18446744073709551337, 
y = 13371844674407370956;
p = 18446744073709551293, 
y = 12931844674407370956;
p = 18446744073709551263, 
y = 12631844674407370956;
p = 18446744073709551253, 
y = 12531844674407370956;
p = 18446744073709551191,
y = 1191844674407370956;
p = 18446744073709551163, 
y = 11631844674407370956;
p = 18446744073709551113, 
y = 11131844674407370956;
q = 18446744073709550873, 
m = q.

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