Problems & Puzzles: Puzzles

Puzzle 1193 6666666666

Loungrides found (when?) that 6666666666 is only 10-digit rep-digit number such that the sum of itself and all of its truncations plus one is prime. See this curio:

6666666666+666666666+66666666+6666666+666666+66666+6666+666+66+6+1=7407407401. [Loungrides]

Q. Find a larger prime alike the given above. Use only rep-digit integers using the digit 6 more that 10 times at the start.

From 19 to 25 October, 2024, contributions came from Emmanuel Vantieghem, Vicente Felipe Izquierdo, Michael Branicky, Gennady Gusev, Ken Wilke, JM Rebert


Emmanuel wrote:

These are the  n  > 10  such that the repunit with  n  times  6  added by its truncations plus 1  gives a prime :
 20, 27, 35, 42, 141, 146, 153, 182, 218, 358, 386, 440 (the next one is > 1000  and sets us up with prime proving).


Vicente wrote:

We can obtain this sum in the following way:

s = 1+ Sum(6 (10^k-1)/9,{k,0,10}]


s= 1 + 1234567900 x 6

If we generalize, then

s = 1 + 1234567900 x d, where 0<=d<=9

For d = 7 and 10 digits, we have a Prime greater then with digit 6: 8641975301 

With the digit 6, the lenght for which the sum is prime, is:20, 27, 35, 42,141,146,153,182,218,...


Michael wrote:

Testing repdigits with all 6's up to length n = 10000, the sum of itself and all of its truncations plus one is prime
for n = 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 10, 20, 27, 35, 42, 141, 146, 153, 182, 218, 358, 386, 440, 2693, 5907, 6748, 7281, 9897.



Gennady wrote:

The sum 1+k+kk+kkk+...+'k..k' (n times) = k*((10^(n+1)-9*n-10)/81)+1 = s(k,n)
Question from puzzle is: find prime s(6,n) for n>10.
I have checked all s(6,n) for n<=13000. s(6,n) is prime for n:
1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 10, 20, 27, 35, 42, 141, 146, 153, 182, 218, 358, 386, 440, 2693, 5907, 6748, 7281, 9897.
Also, s(k,n) is a prime number for different k for the following n (n<=3000):
k:  n
1: 12, 58
2: 116, 128, 366, 1181
3: 12, 20, 100, 312
4: 19, 53, 54, 87, 769, 1188, 2974
5: 20, 1278
7: 14, 158, 716
8: 170, 900
9: 70, 102, 670, 882



Ken wrote:

Comment: Since any summand composed of only k 6’s has the form 2*(10^k-1)/3 ,
the sum 1 + 6 + 66 + * * * + 66 * * * 6 (k times) is given by
m = 1+2*{ ( 10^(k + 1) - 1)/9 – (k+1) }/3. (1)
Using the ECM (elliptic curve) program from UBASIC, suitably modified to accommodate
integers of the form (1), we obtain the following results: {the notation (740)(n) means
that the block of digits 740 is repeated n times followed by the remaining digits in the
number |
k prime
1 7
2 73
3 739
5 74071 = (740)(1) 71
6 740737 = (740)(1) 737
10 7407407401=(740)(3) 1
20 74074074074074074061 = (740)(6) 61
27 7407407407407407407407407723 = (740)(8) 723
35 74074074074074074074074074074074061 = (740)(11) 51
42 740740740740740740740740740740740740740713 = (740)(13) 713
I found no other prime values for 42 &lt; k &lt;141. Oddly enough one can easily show that
for k==4( mod 5) must be divisible by 5.
Using Dario Alpern’s Integer Factorization Calculator,
I was able to extend the above table to k&lt;201 with the following additional primes


Rebert wrote:

n p_n
1 7
2 73
3 739
5 74071
6 740737
10 (740)_(3)1 = 7407407401
20 (740)_(6)61 = 74074074074074074061
27 (740)_(8)723
35 (740)_(11)51
42 (740)_(13)713
141 (740)_(46)647
146 (740)_(47)73977
153 (740)_(50)639
182 (740)_(59)73953
218 (740)_(71)73929
358 (740)_(118)7169
386 (740)_(127)73817
440 (740)_(145)73781
2693 (740)_(896)72279
5907 (740)_(1967)736803
6748 (740)_(2248)2909
7281 (740)_(2425)735887
9897 (740)_(3297)734143
25917 (740)_{8637}723463




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